First Time Ever! Join Me LIVE for 5 Astrology Workshops On Your 5 Personal Planets


Where are you naturally designed to be successful and shine in this lifetime?

What are you ready to fully own in your needs and personal power?

What unconscious operating systems are running your daily experiences?

What habits and patterns have been part of your energy that you might have denied?

How can you be more proactive and self-aware in your communication style?


We're going to cover all of these topics and A LOT more astrology knowledge in a full day of LIVE astrology workshops that focuses on your 5 personal planets - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.


In each 90-minute live session, I'll be offering you new angles, approaches and understandings of your natal astrology chart. We'll also have time for your questions in each workshop, yay! I love being able to answer your questions, especially when they benefit you and others in the session.


Join me on Saturday, November 16, 2024 for 5 live astrology workshops (90 minutes long) discussing your 5 personal planets:

~ Awakening To Your Sun Sign and Solar Consciousness

~ Awakening To Your Moon Sign and Lunar Consciousness

~ Awakening To Your Mercury Sign and Mental Consciousness

~ Awakening To Your Venus Sign and Divine Feminine Energies

~ Awakening To Your Mars Sign and Divine Masculine Energies


Full experience includes: 

- Q&A time for each workshop topic

- pre-recorded teaching videos to watch right away

- PDF worksheets to download and reference

- replays available after the live event


You can register for this event and watch it later if you're not able to be there for the live workshops. 

Limited spots available.


Get more details right here


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