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Enjoy More Energy Support During These Wild Times! Free 4 Soul Bliss Guided Meditations

As the energies on the planet continue to accelerate and transform our world, we need more regular support for calming the body, mind, and soul. A consistent meditation habit that fits into your lifestyle will assist you in trusting yourself, regulating your emotions, and strengthen your intuition. 

Additionally, a regular practice can bring about:

  • Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms
  • Improved attention and concentration
  • Decreased emotional reactivity
  • Enhanced self-awareness and emotional regulation
  • Supportive immune function and reduced inflammation
  • Improved sleep quality and pain management


I have created four exclusive guided meditations for you to enjoy for free:

  • Quick Meditation Basics (10 minutes)

  • Clearing Your 5 Personal Planets Guided Meditation (21 minutes)

  • Simple Chakra Cleansing Meditation (19 minutes)

  • I Just Need Five Minutes To Myself Guided Meditation (5 minutes)


Would any of these topics be beneficial for you right n...

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Cosmic Initiation Into The New Era Is Happening In 2025


We're in a huge COSMIC INITIATION phase that will continue to accelerate through the second half of this decade as we move into new realities across all areas of life. 


With all of the outer planets moving into new signs in 2025, the shift into new consciousness is unfolding in a very rare manner. 

Neptune enters Aries on March 30, 2025 for the first time in over 160 years.

Saturn enters Aries on May 25, 2025 for the first time in 30 years.

Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, 2025 for the first time in nearly 84 years. 

And Pluto is now in Aquarius, where it will stay until 2044. 


What does all of this mean, in basic terms? 

We are advancing and accelerating into new fields of existence involving drastic integrations of technology,  lifestyle changes, community upgrades, interpersonal connections, and a whole new level of experiences on this planet. 


Even though it appears to be unfolding behind the scenes in some areas of life, there will be fast changes as the year co...

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Nodes of Fate In Pisces and Virgo Signal Fated Global Changes


What work karma have you fulfilled?

Where is more Divine Timing arriving in your life?

Are you ready to gracefully end one version of your daily life and move into a higher path?


The Nodes of Fate move through Pisces and Virgo from January 2025 to July 2026, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to embrace more intuition, compassion, soul gifts, and healing.


We are entering a crucial global cycle as the North Node in Pisces will be interacting with Neptune, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury and signaling that we are in a fated cycle of karmic endings on the planet. 


Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Pisces and Virgo in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. 

This cycle is especially important for those born with Saturn and/or Chiron in Pisces, as well as Uranus and Pluto in Virgo!


This 18-month cycle will be more significant in the world than the previous cycle in Aries and...

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Your Multidimensional Chakra Expansion with 2025 Astrology Transits


2025 astrology transits will be activating multidimensional growth in our astrology charts and chakra energy fields as the outer planets move into new signs.

Powerful transitions between chakra centers will open up new energetic conduit flows, which serves as part of the multidimensional expansion and evolution of our times.

We are becoming the new human in physical form that is more fully integrated beyond the 5 senses as we are learning to exist with higher abilities, especially in the clairs.


More to share in this podcast episode right here.


Crown Chakra = Pisces (Saturn and Neptune)

Third Eye Chakra = Aquarius (Pluto)

Throat Chakra = Gemini (Jupiter, Uranus)

Heart Chakra = Cancer (Jupiter)

Solar Plexus = Leo (Sun; not discussed in this episode)

Sacral Chakra = Taurus (Uranus)

Root Chakra = Aries (Saturn, Chiron, Neptune)



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Ceres In Your Astrology Chart: Acknowledging A Deeper Mother Imprint


Ceres is a dwarf planet located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter; she is the 'mother' of the asteroids.
In mythology, Ceres (also known as Demeter) was the mother of Persephone who was abducted by Hades (Pluto) and taken into the Underworld. After Persephone was kidnapped, Ceres grieved deeply and removed the natural bounty from the earth to represent her loss while her daughter.
Upon Persephone's return to the earth, Ceres renewed the earth with spring seeds and a new season began in her life, as well as in her experience as a parent.
Ceres is associated with fertility, abundance, harvest, transformation, and renewal through the seasons.
Due to losing her daughter, Ceres is also connected with the parenting experience of loss, grief, death, detachment, and transformation as a child becomes their own person on their own journey.
In your natal astrology chart, Ceres reveals your deeper "mother" imprint and how you may experience parenting, renew
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Pluto in Aquarius Working With Each Pluto Generation ~ 2025 to 2044 Astrology

What is going to be permanently changing in your life now that Pluto is in Aquarius? 

Whole generations of people will be moving through big life changes, endings, and powerful new chapters based on the year they were born, and the generation that they grew up in. 

For example, the Pluto in Leo generation - aka, Boomers - will be experiencing the biggest life altering changes as they experience a highly rare Pluto opposition over the next 20 years that will challenge their will power, leadership, typical creative expressions, and desire to live life on their own terms.

Late Gen X individuals born with Pluto in Libra will experience new levels of relationships, partnerships, and connections that will be empowering and eye-opening. New soul mates and soul tribe members will be arriving for the first time in their lives. 

Pluto in Aquarius will now be interacting with each generation differently as the transformation, destruction, and empowerment themes show up through various life-ch...

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Nodes of Fate Move Into Pisces and Virgo To Set Off Fated Global Changes


Clearing those 1523 energies! The Nodes of Fate move through Pisces and Virgo from January 12, 2025 until July 27, 2026, with a strong emphasis on the North Node in Pisces experience.

With Neptune, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury all interacting in Pisces, we are ascending into higher frequencies that also clear out Age of Pisces imprints that were very strong in 1523 to 1524.
The last time Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node were in Pisces together (plus Jupiter!), the spread of Christianity was unfolding through Martin Luther (NN in Pisces) and there was an uprising through a Peasants War (SN in Virgo) in Germany.

Similar themes are being illuminated in modern times, and we are closing out lower Pisces energies of propaganda, disillusionment, deception, blind faith, and being under a spell of idealism.

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New! Dancing With Your Quantum Light Body Guided Meditation


Just in time to support the big Pisces energies of 2025! 

Tune in to your quantum energy field and activate more of these higher frequencies in your current timeline now.


In this 50-minute guided visualization, you will integrate cellular renewal with heart chakra expansion by inviting in cleansing, healing frequencies; activate quantum light body expressions; connect with soul wisdom from other personas, archetypes, and messengers from other timelines or dimensions; open up "junk" DNA and dormant cellular wisdom in this timeline; expand your quantum light body energies into all physical systems of the body; and feel a physical shift as you dance with your light body and the integration process.


Enjoy your light body experience here



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The Pluto in Aquarius Journey ~ 2024 to 2044 Astrology


Pluto moves now through Aquarius until 2044 and will deeply transform both individual and collective energies on the planet. 


Pluto in Aquarius will powerfully interact with planets in the fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius – and change these areas permanently into new empowered expressions.


Pluto in Aquarius will also deeply support the evolutionary journey of Air signs and Fire signs (Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius) over the next 20 years, bringing fresh empowerment and strength.


How will this energy be showing up in your world? You will certainly feel it and notice the powerful changes, including soul fragments to claim and integrate from other lifetimes, as you meet new parts of yourself from other timelines.


Check out how you will be working with this influence in this podcast episode.



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WOW! Amazing Renaissance Energy Building for the Three Outer Planets - 2025 to 2029 Astrology

Check out where we're going with these beautiful energies! Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will be creating a very rare and powerful minor grand trine (also known as a "talent triangle") aspect that is directing us forward, collectively and individually.


Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune in Aries, and Uranus in Gemini will be working together as we move into more Age of Aquarius expressions, innovations, technologies, and information. 


The energies will be exact 3 times between all 3 outer planets:

- 1 deg from mid August 2025 to mid September 2025

- 4 deg in July 2026

- 6 deg in June 2027


They will be in a tight orb until 2029.

Check it out in this analysis video here.



I'll be sharing more about this dynamic energies in a new playlist series on my channel: Age of Aquarius Renaissance Energies. Full playlist right here



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