Nodes of Fate Move Into Pisces and Virgo To Set Off Fated Global Changes
Clearing those 1523 energies! The Nodes of Fate move through Pisces and Virgo from January 12, 2025 until July 27, 2026, with a strong emphasis on the North Node in Pisces experience.
With Neptune, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury all interacting in Pisces, we are ascending into higher frequencies that also clear out Age of Pisces imprints that were very strong in 1523 to 1524.
The last time Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node were in Pisces together (plus Jupiter!), the spread of Christianity was unfolding through Martin Luther (NN in Pisces) and there was an uprising through a Peasants War (SN in Virgo) in Germany.
Similar themes are being illuminated in modern times, and we are closing out lower Pisces energies of propaganda, disillusionment, deception, blind faith, and being under a spell of idealism.
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