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Biz Quiz: What Is Essential When You Partner With Another Professional?

Are you wondering if you should do a joint venture with another person in your field or profession?

It could be for an online project, a webinar, a class, a book - any number of possibilities.  Co-creating can have a number of rewards for both people. 

There are excellent reasons for working together with someone who adds value and expertise to a shared project. 




Before you go too far down the partnership path, please consider these points I call out in this latest Biz Quiz video so you establish the necessary terms in advance. 


Watch the short video with clear answers right here in the online video library. 


Sign in to your account here, or create a new free account by signing up below. 



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Do You Need Separate Email Lists?

In case you were looking for ONE MORE THING TO DO (smile).... here is something to consider about your email communications.


Email lists are how you actively reach out to connect with anyone who is interested in what you teach, share, sell, or offer - obvious, right?


As your work grows and diversifies, there are solid reasons for having more than one email list in order to stay connected with people and their needs. 


Check out why creating separate email lists is advantageous as you grow your audience - and why it will reduce your unsubscribes because you are staying focused on what your audience needs.


Watch this new video (and many more) in the free library right here



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Why Is Everyone Else Doing Better Than Me?

Does it appear that "everyone else" is making more money, increasing their email list subscribers, hitting the highest numbers, and succeeding easily right now?


The Comparison Game is rampant these days, and yet there are mindful ways to stop it in its tracks.


It is important to remain present and powerful in what YOU are doing - and to understand that all that glitters is not gold out there.


I'll share with you ways to validate what you are doing and turn your attention away from what others are experiencing.


Listen here


Business and Books with Molly McCord:

Inspiring, real world stories every week about clients, readers, business and books to support building your dream career. We'll discuss Business and Books topics to help you grow as an entrepreneur, author, solopreneur, healer, or anyone offering their gifts to the world. With over 25 years of sales, marketing and business experience, Molly shares with you realistic insights, tips, training, and guidance to e...

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Why Do I Feel So Uncomfortable Promoting My Work?

Maybe this is a topic you know well: Have you ever struggled with sharing your work and books in the world?


Yep - it's normal to feel that way, especially if it's a new venture or you're just figuring out the style that works for you. And even if you have been doing this for awhile, you may still hate promoting your business because it's just not your thing.


I have guidance for you in this show to approach promotion in a different way that will hopefully alleviate some anxiety and change your feelings about putting yourself out there more. 



New show for awake and conscious entrepreneurs, authors, healers, experts, and teachers! Inspiring, real world stories every week about clients, readers, business and books to support building your dream career. We'll discuss Business and Books topics to help you grow as an entrepreneur, author, solopreneur, healer, or anyone offering their gifts to the world.

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Biz Quiz: What Is Your Most Important LONG-TERM Business Priority?

Growing your business as an Indie Author, Solopreneur, or Inspired Creative requires a lot from you.


But what do you NEED to do for long-term growth and results?


I've got an important answer for you in this video.


Hint: It is not email marketing or social media! 


Watch here:




What Is Biz Quiz?

In this new video series, I ask you important questions about the growth, development and vision for your online business as an indie author, solopreneur, or inspired creative. I'll cover business development areas you didn't know about, or give you directions for where to focus your time, energy, and resources. You'll find a new video right here!


And be sure to sign up here for even more business training videos, tips, stories, and guidance to help you grow your online passion. Check it out here.

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Overview + Perks of Being Indie Author

Being an indie author has been the right path for me.


Is it right for you?


If you like "creative control" over your projects (the nice way of saying you're a control freak, ha!), and you want to make 70% for all of your hard work, you'll definitely want to explore this publishing option.


Watch this video below for an overview + perks of what it means to be an indie author in today's dynamic online environment.



And be sure to sign up here for even more business training videos, tips, stories, and guidance to help you grow your online passion.  Check it out here.


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Free Workshop: Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business



Many of us as healers, spiritual guides, and experts are doing business in new ways as part of the global shift. As we follow our dreams and create our unique path as we go, often times being financially supported becomes up as one of the main priorities on our minds. Will the right clients show up? How do I promote my work without giving it all away? What do I have to do to receive financial abundance?


Your work is bigger than just you, so I have created an online course to support the energy of abundance as you grow your business and help more people. Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business is for anyone who wants to establish their offerings with confidence and get results - is that you? 


We'll look at the spiritual importance we give money; why your business is the perfect opportunity to look at karmic patterns and old programming; the significance around determining your rates and pricing; and important considerations to be aware of with boundaries, branding, and...

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Make It Personal. Your Brand's Success Depends On It.

I had a good Happy Hour conversation with my boss a few years ago about engaging our 8 million email subscribers on a deeper level.


See, the size of your list does not mean people are actually interested or engaged or buying.


Corporations are lacking something that YOU as an Indie Author, Healer, Solopreneur, and Inspired Creative already possess.


Do you know what that is?


Watch this video below for what I recommend you do to increase engagement with your readers + audience.



And be sure to sign up here for even more business training videos, tips, stories, and guidance to help you grow your online passion. Check it out here.


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New Podcast: Sales Process Guidance with 3 Lead Types

Whether you are looking for clients or readers, you need to know about the sales process that drives people to say YES to you.


We'll talk about the 3 types of leads that you will encounter as you share your business + books with a growing audience.


Plus, I'll share how to be aware of when others are trying to sell to you so you can determine - objectively - what an effective sales strategy experience is (hello, someone relatable and honest) and what is not (yikes, those dang solicitors in the mall!).


Listen right here


Subscribe to my new podcast on Blog Talk Radio, iTunes or wherever you follow your favorite shows!

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5 Types of Bad Reviews and What To Do About Them

One of the hardest aspects of writing a book and putting yourself out there is being on the receiving end of bad reviews. It can rock you or feel like a stab to the heart - but it is part of our world as authors and creators so we have to get stronger with these opinions and the feedback.


Every week, influential indie author Mark Dawson shares excellent advice for authors and writers looking to grow their career.


In this week's Self Publishing Formula podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with James, Mark's cohost, about 5 types of bad reviews and what to do about them, including:

- Differentiating between a bad opinion and someone who has valuable feedback
- The five different types of negative reviews
- Tips for dealing with each type of review
- Understanding your rights as an author and when to contest a review
- The importance of self-management when dealing with bad reviews
- Relying on the author community and friends we trust for objective opinions


Listen to t

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