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One of the hardest aspects of writing a book and putting yourself out there is being on the receiving end of bad reviews. It can rock you or feel like a stab to the heart - but it is part of our world as authors and creators so we have to get stronger with these opinions and the feedback.
Every week, influential indie author Mark Dawson shares excellent advice for authors and writers looking to grow their career.
In this week's Self Publishing Formula podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with James, Mark's cohost, about 5 types of bad reviews and what to do about them, including:
- Differentiating between a bad opinion and someone who has valuable feedback
- The five different types of negative reviews
- Tips for dealing with each type of review
- Understanding your rights as an author and when to contest a review
- The importance of self-management when dealing with bad reviews
- Relying on the author community and friends we trust for objective opinions
Listen to t
...How do you know if you should set up a contract with someone?
If any of these 3 elements are involved in your work project, it would be advisable to have a simple contract in place to help - and protect - each person.
I make it easy for you to determine if it is a good idea in this new Biz Quiz video in the free library.
Publishing one book is a big deal. Publishing MULTIPLE books is a game-changer.
As you continue to publish more books, you will most likely start to see your income improve every month. I saw a reliable rise income in my bank account after I had four published titles. Two of my titles were on Kindle Select and two titles were "wide", which means they were available across multiple book sales platforms (Barnes N' Noble, KOBO, Apple, etc.)
An important factor you need to take into consideration for publishing multiple books includes your genre. There is a big difference between fiction and non-fiction titles, for example.
I hope this video helps with your expectations, long-term planning, and staying motivated to keep writing more content.
With so much in front of us these days, it helps to know we are not alone in the challenges, struggles, and questions we face as authors and entrepreneurs.
So I've just started a new podcast, Business and Books with Molly McCord, to share with you real world stories about clients, readers, business and books to support building your dream career.
4 podcast episodes have been released so far:
- Are You Strong Enough To Be An Entrepreneur or Indie Author?
- Commitment and Confidence: 2 Entrepreneurs' Journey
- How To Fail-Fast and Why It Is Essential
- Sales Process Guidance with 3 Lead Types
Coming up soon:
- My Integrity Is Not For Sale
- Who Are You In Business For?
I sincerely hope this is exactly the guidance and information you are looking for right now to stay inspired and motivated!
Subscribe on iTunes, BlogTalkRadio, TuneIn, Overcast, and Stitcher.
You can also follow along on my new Facebook and Instagram accounts for updates and news.
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