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Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business - Limited Time Offer!


The energies are ramping up, and it's more important than ever for more awake, conscious people to be following their soul's mission work on the planet. Are you ready to go further in your business and move past any of those pesky fears that have been holding you back?


If YES, I'd love to help you move forward. 


For a limited time, you can purchase the full Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business audio course for only $55 USD with coupon code MANIFEST - regularly $88 USD - saving you $33 bucks. 


You will receive immediate access to all of the course content, which includes:

  • 13 audio recordings with over 140 minutes of information, guidance, and instruction
  • Exercises, visualizations, and self-anaylsis
  • 8 Abundance Affirmation Cards
  • Access from any device
  • Go at your own speed
  • Lifetime access so you can revisit information and content


So you will receive ALL OF THIS expert guidance for only $55 USD.


In nine easy-to-follow sections, I lead you through...

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New! Let's AMPLIFY Your Online Business And Get 50% off


With so many big changes and shifts happening in our lives, you may feel it's time for you to go bigger and trust the direction that inspires you now.  


Many of us are following a passion that is unique, special, inspiring -- and scary at times because it can feel like A LOT needs to get done and you don't want to mess up or do it wrong. 


And chances are high, that most of the work for your business is on your plate as a solopreneur or entrepreneur who is building it all on your own. 


Sound familiar? 

Then I hope I can help you.


Because of all of these factors (and more), I created a new business development program made for those of us doing *SO MUCH* on our own... while feeling the pull of our soul's work to keep going forward... and wanting to do everything "right" without wasting money, hours in a day, or getting sidetracked.... and looking to see long-term results for what we put into everything we create and offer.  


I would love to help you build your bes...

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How To Create 3 Types of Work Periods


Feeling overwhelmed by everything on your To Do list? 


Yep. Tell me about it. The list can quickly become a LOT of tasks and projects that require your attention and time and then MORE time than expected.


So how can you prioritize what to do and when?


In this video, I share with you how to maximize your time and make progress on various priorities. One solution that has worked very well for me is dividing your time into different areas of focus. 


I hope these tips help you get clearer with how to organize your day and make serious progress on what you can control. 



Watch this 10 minute video right over here in the free online video library. 


Sign in to your account here, or create a new free account by signing up below. 

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Business Development Podcasts and Videos on New YouTube Channel


Now it's easier to stay informed and follow along with business development topics over at my new YouTube channel that focuses only on content for solopreneurs and online healers. 


You'll find information, training, and guidance in one place, including podcasts, and some of my training videos. 


And heads up, this YouTube channel is different than my "main" YT channel which features astrology and spiritual development topics. 


Subscribe right here. 


See you over there!


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Sales Conversion Tactics: The Con, The Hustle, The Exaggerations

How do you present, market, and sell your offerings with value?


There are a number of approaches people use to convert their leads into sales, and yet you may not be aware of what is really happening under the surface of these tactics. 


We'll look at various approaches to getting people's money, including The Con, The Hustle, and The Exaggerations that are commonly used online.


I'll share with you examples of each of these approaches, plus help you get clearer on how you want to genuinely connect with your people in a valuable way. 


Listen here to this new episode


New weekly podcast for awake and conscious entrepreneurs, authors, healers, experts, and teachers! Inspiring, real world stories every week about clients, readers, business and books to support building your dream career. We'll discuss Business and Books topics to help you grow as an entrepreneur, author, solopreneur, healer, or anyone offering their gifts to the world.

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Biz Quiz: What Is Essential When You Partner With Another Professional?

Are you wondering if you should do a joint venture with another person in your field or profession?

It could be for an online project, a webinar, a class, a book - any number of possibilities.  Co-creating can have a number of rewards for both people. 

There are excellent reasons for working together with someone who adds value and expertise to a shared project. 




Before you go too far down the partnership path, please consider these points I call out in this latest Biz Quiz video so you establish the necessary terms in advance. 


Watch the short video with clear answers right here in the online video library. 


Sign in to your account here, or create a new free account by signing up below. 



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Why Do I Feel So Uncomfortable Promoting My Work?

Maybe this is a topic you know well: Have you ever struggled with sharing your work and books in the world?


Yep - it's normal to feel that way, especially if it's a new venture or you're just figuring out the style that works for you. And even if you have been doing this for awhile, you may still hate promoting your business because it's just not your thing.


I have guidance for you in this show to approach promotion in a different way that will hopefully alleviate some anxiety and change your feelings about putting yourself out there more. 



New show for awake and conscious entrepreneurs, authors, healers, experts, and teachers! Inspiring, real world stories every week about clients, readers, business and books to support building your dream career. We'll discuss Business and Books topics to help you grow as an entrepreneur, author, solopreneur, healer, or anyone offering their gifts to the world.

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Free Workshop: Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business



Many of us as healers, spiritual guides, and experts are doing business in new ways as part of the global shift. As we follow our dreams and create our unique path as we go, often times being financially supported becomes up as one of the main priorities on our minds. Will the right clients show up? How do I promote my work without giving it all away? What do I have to do to receive financial abundance?


Your work is bigger than just you, so I have created an online course to support the energy of abundance as you grow your business and help more people. Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business is for anyone who wants to establish their offerings with confidence and get results - is that you? 


We'll look at the spiritual importance we give money; why your business is the perfect opportunity to look at karmic patterns and old programming; the significance around determining your rates and pricing; and important considerations to be aware of with boundaries, branding, and...

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2018 Business Trends for Entrepreneurs and Authors

What trends are emerging for authors and entrepreneurs in 2018?


Let's take a look at what is most likely to increase in popularity, decrease in effectiveness, and bring in more results from your target market.


I'll discuss more about each of these 12 trends in this week's show:


1.       More video and live videos for content and connections

2.       Dedicated vs. Hobbyist entrepreneurs and authors

3.       More defined target markets required

4.       Longer sales process needed

5.       Diversifying content across more platforms, media, and distribution channels

6.       New trends in email marketing

7.       Business with a conscious connection

8.       Offline connections gain priority

9.       Shrinking and reassessing group commitments

10.   Shorter books, more sales

11.   Paperbacks continue to increase in sales

12.   Mobile everything for your online presence


Listen right here for more specifics and details.


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Ebooks vs. Paperbacks vs. Audiobooks


In the long-run, you will most likely want three formats for your books: ebooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks. 


Perhaps you already know that and have it on your never-ending To-Do list. Some authors prefer hardback versions, too.


In this video, I share with you the reasons WHY each of these 3 formats matter for your author platform, revenue channels, and professional expansion.


I hope this helps you prioritize and stay focused on what you are creating for the long-term.


Watch this new video (and many more) in the free library right here

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