Suuuuppppeerr excited to share with you.....
We're bring our Awakening Astrology Quantum Embodiment Experience to Sedona, AZ from March 3 to 5, 2023!
Yaaassss!!! 🪄
We each have a unique celestial imprint (our natal chart) and soul code within Universal Source Energy.
When we tap into deeper connections with the astrological weather, we learn how to flow with and utilize the astrological weather within our personal energy fields.
When we create intentional practices within our individual energies, we manifest greater healing, transformation, evolution, and ease for our divinely orchestrated unfolding path and for our ineffable collective contribution.
We let go of external programming and narratives that keep us limited and dimmed.
We shine our light so bright others begin to shine theirs, too.
Welcome to your new alignment practice in embodied ascension as we reawaken the cosmos in us all.
In our 3 days together, you will intentionally connect your astrological energies with your body, chakras, and aura to further embody all of your frequencies.
✨ It's going to be epic + awesome!✨
👉 Registration now open!
Can't wait!🙌😍🙏
Specific advice for authors, solopreneurs, healers, and experts.
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