14 ebooks On Sale For Only 99 cents each!


Exciting news! My publisher just let me know that Amazon has the eBook edition of my brand new release, "Awakening Astrology" and 14 other books, on sale right now for just 99 cents!

This includes titles from authors don Miguel Ruiz Jr. and HeatherAsh Amara, too!

Click here to see the full list of titles you can choose from for only 99-cents each

The sale is for a LIMITED TIME (WE DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW LONG IT WILL LAST!), so be sure to act quickly if you want to take advantage of this unique opportunity to grab some great books.

Remember, you don’t need a Kindle or other special device to read these books, they can be read on any smart phone, tablet, or computer.

Happy reading!


PS. The sale is available on the Amazon USA website for now, but check Amazon in your country to see if it’s on sale there, too!


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