Real Talk:
You are beautifully encoded to SHINE your light
and be in your POWER like never before.
Energies on the planet are rising to higher vibrations.
You may deeply know what you are here to offer because you are energetically designed to be a guiding force of wisdom, advice, and knowledge to support others on their path.
You Are Safe To Shine
With Your Gifts In This Lifetime.

Yet you could feel...
- Misunderstood for your gifts
- Unqualified to fully guide others
- Uncertain about how to handle uncomfortable client situations
- Insecure about not having enough experience
- Doubtful in your offerings or specialty
- Still learning about the whole financial responsibility part
- Overwhelmed by what to focus on that will work for you
- Struggling with being in your power
- Questioning if you should follow this path
I Got You.
And I want to help you be more successful, happy and empowered with your soul gifts!
You Are Being Guided
To Fully Own Your Soul Gifts Now
Your talents are deeply needed right now.
And I want to support you based on what I've learned about doing this work for years.
We're going to go into the energetic foundation of your business based on how you are designed to be in your professional power - per your soul's intention!
We're going to tackle more of the tougher areas in this line of work, including:
- When a client resists the information you're providing
- When a client does not want to discuss a tough topic
- When a client is in victim mode
- When a client is excessively demanding or angry
- Getting to the client's key themes and offering expert advice
- Responsibly owning the power of your work
- Protecting your business against financial issues
- Clarity on financial management
- Establishing your rates and prices
- Ways to increase your income
- Understanding why you are doing this as your soul mission work in the world
- Valuing your messages, skills, and guidance
I'll be sharing with you what I've learned about guiding people through powerful transiting energies and what to focus on for each influence so they can navigate big life changes (including Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transits).
Create A Wildly Successful Business Based On YOUR Unique Energy
You'll be guided through these key topics:

Consciously Establish Your Business
We'll discuss 5 thought-provoking questions so you can hone in on important answers for the longevity of your work, including:
How to be the most effective in your role
What does professional responsibility mean to you?
What is your philosophical foundation?
What professional training is the most relevant for you?
What is the purpose of this work for you?

Creating YOUR Best Business
Your energy is the basis for your success, which is different from everyone else on the planet. Your success will depend on how you:
Prioritize your energy signature for clear business answers
Reduce overwhelm by accepting how you are designed to show up - and let the rest go
Know your expertise, specialty, and how your energy is here to naturally shine

Expertly Handle Client Sessions
We'll discuss how to be the best possible guide with key questions to consider, including:
Clarity on what is essential in every client session
Pros and cons of doing sessions for friends and family
Regulating how often clients schedule with you
What you should NOT do in a session

Guiding Through Powerful Energies
Get to the heart of how you can offer valuable advice to your clients during significant energies, including:
Responsible Saturn Cycles and Serious Choice Points
Sensitive Chiron Themes and Trauma Healing
Surprising Uranus Developments and Disruptions
Confusing Neptune Experiences and Flowing with Unknowns
Powerful Pluto Transformations and Soul Growth

Moving Through Difficult Client Energies
An unexpected difficult interaction with a client can throw you off your game, so here are my tips for 7 different experiences, including:
When a client resists your guidance
When a client is in victim mode
When a client is excessively demanding
When a client is angry at you
When you need to fire a client

Mastering Your Financial Responsibilities
Be a real boss by powerfully handling your money, including:
How to establish your prices and rates
Dealing with unexpected scheduling changes
Expertly establishing your financial policies
How to strategically increase your income

Plus, I share with you...
My BIGGEST client session mistake that I vowed to never make with another client.
The #1 hassle in my business... which I hope is never an issue for you in your work!
Shine Your Guiding Light
Business Program
** BONUS: Use code SHINE at checkout to get an additional $100 off for a limited time **
I am not an astrologer, but I offer client sessions based on my other gifts. Would this program be beneficial to me?
I have been a practicing astrology for awhile. Would this program offer me anything new?
I am not an "official" astrologer, but I dabble in it and love learning more. Would any of this info apply to me?
I would love to leave my current job and dive into being an astrologer on a regular basis. Is it too early for me to think about this type of training?
I have received some training already as a practicing astrologer. Would this program offer me anything new or different?
Molly McCord, M.A. has been a professional astrologer for over a decade and has been studying astrology for 30 years. She has worked with thousands of clients globally, guiding each person to know themselves and their energy gifts on a deeper level through personal one-on-one intuitive sessions. She discusses current astrological energies in her popular weekly astrology podcast that has aired since 2012.
Molly created this course so you can understand yourself, your energy, and your soul signature in this lifetime with a greater sense of personal power.

The small print:
- Online programs are not refundable after registration.
- Payment is accepted through PayPal or Stripe.
- All classes are taught as prerecorded webinars for immediate online viewing.
- Rates are listed in USD. For other currencies, the PayPal should populate the correct amount based on your location.
- PayPal transactions are processed through Mosaic Media LLC.
- It's an honor to serve and support you! I never take it for granted.