Which Universal Spiritual Laws are naturally strong in your natal astrology chart?


What Spiritual Law is always supporting your life changes and ascension journey?


How can you consciously access more Universal forces in your chart?


You are innately connected to all Universal Spiritual Laws, yet you hold a special combination of cosmic codes that highlight your natural gifts and abilities.


On a cold Seattle day in January 2002, I unknowingly met a woman who would change my life forever.


I had an hour appointment with her and was running nearly 20 minutes late due to awful traffic. I was beyond embarrassed by the time I parked outside her studio, assuming the appointment would be cancelled.

I ran to the door in my high heels, dodging raindrops, and sheepishly knocked.

Instead of being turned away for a late arrival, I was welcomed inside with a hot cup of tea, the warm aroma of three burning candles, a cozy pair of slippers - and my life’s spiritual journey began.


For the next eight years, I had ongoing appointments with her to learn more about making my dreams come true with my own energy. 

In each session, she taught me how we can create anything we could possibly want in this big, incredible world based on our intentions, energy work, faith, and to keep trusting the magic of the Universe.


She guided me to work with my soul at deeper levels, own my shadow work, stay on the healing path, be brutally honest with myself, notice my own unconscious patterns and assumptions, explore the Divine dance between the feminine and masculine, and develop my intuitive abilities more. And the list goes on.


But just to be real... "the Universe" and all of its energetic magic can feel overwhelming, impersonal, detached, and unreal.


We all-too-easily question the process and lose hope.

Give up when nothing changes.

Feel doubt and walk away.

Then believe we are small and ineffective...

when in fact, we ARE the Universe and we ARE these Spiritual Laws in physical form.


So to make it all more personal and effective, I discovered how to apply the Universal Spiritual Laws to my natal astrology chart.... and WOW! It made all the difference in my world (literally)!


The energies started to effortlessly connect and sync up in the most personal, beneficial ways. And I want to guide you to make the same connections for yourself!

In Your Cosmic Codes, you'll journey through 12 Universal Spiritual Laws and realign your astrology chart to create new energetic openings, manifestations, and experiences in your life.




In Part 1, you'll explore each of the 12 Universal Spiritual Laws through 5 sections:

  • What the Spiritual Law Means

  • What It Looks Like In the Real World

  • Intuitive Channeled Message From Spirit

  • Astrological Connections

  • How To Apply the Esoteric Knowledge


Then in Part 2, I'll show you how to connect each of the Universal Spiritual Laws to your natal astrology chart.

Through teaching videos, audio guidance, and exercises, you'll journey through the houses and planets in your chart to actively work with more of your cosmic codes as you discover:

  • How your astrology chart connects to greater cosmic forces

  • Why you may be naturally gifted with particular Universal Spiritual Laws

  • Where in your life the energies show up most often

  • Where you can consciously practice creating a stronger connection to a specific Universal Spiritual Law 

  • Energy exercises for activating an area of your astrology chart more

"I knew about the Law of Attraction, but I still learned more in this Course (about that Law) that made it quite simple. Now I have better knowledge to change areas of my life that I am ready to experience more joy and flow. Thank you, Molly!"  ~ Mike L.

Your Cosmic Codes Bring New Breakthroughs
In Your Astrology Chart!

Your Cosmic Codes guides you to connect 12 Universal Spiritual Laws to the astrological energies in your natal astrology chart, which further opens you up to more of your gifts, power, and potentials in this lifetime.


The Universal Spiritual Laws are laid out in a specific order in this program so you can connect and build upon them as you go. Every teaching is packed with rich content. You can work with each section for as long as you need to, as well as return to review as often as you'd like.


You'll receive immediate access to the full program, including the 12 Universal Spiritual Laws, audio recordings, pre-recorded teaching videos, energy exercises, and writing exercises.


Every Spiritual Law module includes audio recordings, an intuitive message, Real World examples, energy exercises, and astrological connections.


Please bring your natal astrology chart (a printed version is recommended) and a notepad to take notes for your chart.


You can move through the program on your own timeline, and return to the content as often as you like.


"I keep signing in to re-read favorite sections and listen to more information on my lunch break. The Law of Vibration is helping me move through a career crisis right now. Things have been tough the past few years, but this mastery course is helping me remain trusting and feel powerful about myself. Thank you, thank you!"

Sara Gyer

Let's Get Started!

You will receive immediate access to the full program upon registering.



Regularly $88

  • 12 Universal Spiritual Laws
  • 12 Intuitive Messages
  • Teaching Videos
  • Energy Exercises
  • Audio Recordings
I'm Ready To Go!

"Finally!!! It has been hard filling in the blanks on my own, and I appreciate how the information is presented in an easy, practical way. I love astrology, so that section was one of my favorites. I felt goose bumps a few times while reading the intuitive messages. My spiritual guidance directed me to this course and I am glad I listened."

Carol Miller


"Hands down, the best information I’ve ever seen about the Universal Spiritual Laws. I learned each one easily and it was nice to review them as needed. I am feeling and seeing changes in my life right now that are really awesome!"

Ginger Thompson

The small print:

  • Astrology classes are not refundable after registration.
  • Payment is accepted through PayPal or Stripe. 
  • All astrology classes are taught as prerecorded webinars for immediate online viewing.
  • Rates are listed in USD. For other currencies, the PayPal should populate the correct amount based on your location.
  • PayPal transactions are processed through Mosaic Media LLC.
  • It's an honor to serve and support you! I never take it for granted.


Have any questions before registering?

Ask away! You can reach Molly here.


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